My name is Kat, I’m 10 years old and I’ve loved horses for as long as I can remember. My first riding experience was on my Mum’s Palomino gelding ”Yella”, being led around the paddock.
I got my first pony when I was 8. He is a 12 HH, flea-bitten grey/white, very solid pony. He has a very typical pony temperament, all food is for him, not to be shared, and if he doesn’t want to do something, he won’t.
I started having proper riding lessons with Anne not too long after we acquired “Jasper”. We started on the lunge but was soon riding in Anne’s arena. Anne’s lessons are great fun but also very educational. I’ve learnt a lot about horses and my riding has really gotten better.
My naughty pony now behaves himself most of the time, I have recently started jumping with him and we think he quite enjoys it. I know I do. I now have group lessons and they are even more fun as we do other things like riding in pairs, playing games and if it’s ever too wet to ride we can have an indoor classroom lesson for theory with lots of hot chocolate.
I have just joined my local pony club and without Anne’s teaching I would not have had the ability with all the challenges put to me.
My long term goal is to be at Olympic level riding but my next immediate goal is to progress to my Mum’s horse Holly (sorry Mum) and maybe one day ride a horse as good as Anne’s Baron!
Thank you Anne for being such an awesome instructor.