Isabelle and Pumpkin

Isabelle & Pumpkin

Hi my name is Isabelle and my horse’s name is Pumpkin. I have been a student at Anne’s for nearly a year now. I love horse riding and I think you do too if you ride. Anne is a fantastic teacher. I have improved a lot with Anne’s help. I have been to a lot…

Emily Rawlins

Emily Rawlins

Emily came to me for lessons in 2007 she is now 12 years old and attends the local pony club.She rides in a group lesson with 3 other girls her own age once a week and attends my clinics. She rides Jim a nice schoolmaster I found for her in June 2008. She has been…

Eliza and Beth - 1


Eliza & Beth My name is Eliza Sawyer, I am 12 years old. My horse’s name is Beth. She is a thoroughbred and she’s beautiful! I only got her in March (2008) and we are really improving together. She is extremely quiet for a 7 year old. I have taken her to pony club a…

Amy and Colours - 1

Amy & Colours

My name is Amy and I started my horse riding lessons on the 26th August 2008. I ride Anne’s school pony, Colours.I love riding on Colours, he is 11.3hh and he is very cute and cuddly!!! I have been trotting with no hands on the lunge. Anne teaches me how to balance and do exercises…

Sam & Holly - 1

Sam & Holly

When I lost my trusty old QH gelding to colic I was devastated. It took me about 12 months to find another horse. I was very choosy; I am not the most experienced horse person so I didn’t want a young or temperamental horse. Also I did not want a mare. In came Holly -…

Kat & Jasper - 2

Kat & Jasper

My name is Kat, I’m 10 years old and I’ve loved horses for as long as I can remember. My first riding experience was on my Mum’s Palomino gelding ”Yella”, being led around the paddock. I got my first pony when I was 8. He is a 12 HH, flea-bitten grey/white, very solid pony. He…