Isabelle and Pumpkin

Isabelle & Pumpkin

Hi my name is Isabelle and my horse’s name is Pumpkin. I have been a student at Anne’s for nearly a year now. I love horse riding and I think you do too if you ride. Anne is a fantastic teacher. I have improved a lot with Anne’s help. I have been to a lot…

Emily Rawlins

Emily Rawlins

Emily came to me for lessons in 2007 she is now 12 years old and attends the local pony club.She rides in a group lesson with 3 other girls her own age once a week and attends my clinics. She rides Jim a nice schoolmaster I found for her in June 2008. She has been…

Eliza and Beth - 1


Eliza & Beth My name is Eliza Sawyer, I am 12 years old. My horse’s name is Beth. She is a thoroughbred and she’s beautiful! I only got her in March (2008) and we are really improving together. She is extremely quiet for a 7 year old. I have taken her to pony club a…

Amy and Colours - 1

Amy & Colours

My name is Amy and I started my horse riding lessons on the 26th August 2008. I ride Anne’s school pony, Colours.I love riding on Colours, he is 11.3hh and he is very cute and cuddly!!! I have been trotting with no hands on the lunge. Anne teaches me how to balance and do exercises…

Sam & Holly - 1

Sam & Holly

When I lost my trusty old QH gelding to colic I was devastated. It took me about 12 months to find another horse. I was very choosy; I am not the most experienced horse person so I didn’t want a young or temperamental horse. Also I did not want a mare. In came Holly -…

Kat & Jasper - 2

Kat & Jasper

My name is Kat, I’m 10 years old and I’ve loved horses for as long as I can remember. My first riding experience was on my Mum’s Palomino gelding ”Yella”, being led around the paddock. I got my first pony when I was 8. He is a 12 HH, flea-bitten grey/white, very solid pony. He…

Anita & Vicar

Anita & Vicar

“I have been training dressage with Anne Leviston since 1997, with a few pregnant pauses – to have my son and breed a horse. I am currently riding level 2 and was pleased to have recently placed in my first level 1 test. Training with Anne is always highly motivating. Her attention to detail and…

Pricilla and Annabelle


Above is a lovely letter written by Pricilla who is six years old. She is having a lot of fun and learning confidently. She is riding by herself including pole work and jumping. Her safety and confidence is the most important thing for me and we are having a great time together. – Anne